... primitive instro-mental Surf Music


April 2016 at the Replugged, Vienna. Photo by Carsten Sobiech.

Image by Tom Roschanek

Another beautiful 7"

Here we have another lovely little 7 Inch on Plan 9 Trash Records; our pals Dave & The Pussies and us did a split single with atribute to each other. Hear the Pussies playing the Surfgrammel anthem "Tongkoko" - listen to the Surfgrammeln doing the Pussy classic "Beechcraft Bonanza". Available from Green Cookie Records, Plan 9 or from selected fine record stores ...
Two more records

Our contribution to the Sabulturo 1920 Sampler ... a rather slow one, born out of boredom during the lockdown of 2020 - Production and Decay
We had the honor of contributing to two more samplers this year ...
Check out the soon to become a classic Sabulturo 1920 Sampler containing 13 home recorded songs from Austrian bands during the lockdown of 2020. Only 180 copies available - here is the complete Album.
And ... we also have the honor to be on the Schnitzelbilly #6 Sampler from Plan 9 Trash Records - and here we find Fabios romantic ode Mamma Mia (Nunsploitation)

Pepe - A Tale of Love and Passion - the first Austrian Surf Operetta -
tells a timeless story of love, jealousy, slavery and accidents in interstellar
travel. Available in a limited edition of 300 double 7" records in an
exclusive gatefold cover. With big photo-love story!
Available from
Rave Up, Vienna
Schallter, Vienna

The ONLY Austrian Contemporary Surf Music Sampler - Breadcrumb Beach ...
File under: Contemporary Austrian Instrumental Surf Music ... from Plan 9 Trash Records, also home of the great Schnitzelbilly Records!
Instrumental Surf Music - dominating the beaches of Southern California a long time ago, has become a world wide phenomenon pursued by musicians that came to the conclusion that they cannot sing. The speed, the rumbling reverb and the complexity within simple song structures has always been the trademark of this genre. For the first time in history, five Austrian bands have joined forces to document their efforts on record. The result is a full-length vinyl named Breadcrumb Beach - to be filed under Contemporary Instrumental Austrian Surf Music. From the impassable mountainranges of the west to the sun-drenched puszta in the east comes this music - prepare for an avalanche of guitars from
Balu und die Surfgrammeln, Dave and the Pussies, The Goodhair Brothers. sonodrom express and The Latent Surfers.

Our 45 rpm vinyl EP "Los Chicharrones del Surf" on turntables all over the planet ...
Well - almost all are gone. But there is a digital version on Bandcamp ...
Like our stoopid FB-page and stay updated ...